Benedict and WACs

Surprising items that I find interesting...

File under...I don't know everything (actually I don't know a lot)

A newly married man who has long been an avowed bachelor is called a "Benedict".

and I thought a "Benedict" was a traitor


  1. of Benedict Arnold
  2. my 1st wife ran off with a "Benedict.

So, there you go...I was wrong...not dead wrong...but wrong...

However, maybe we could call them "traitors to bachelorhood."...

A "White Ass Cracker"...apparently the corresponding derogatory term to the "N" word. is okay to say "White Ass Cracker"   So... in the future white men will be called 'WACs"...and that's not the "Woman's Army Corps"

P.S. - I'm okay with "White Ass Cracker" long as it's not one of the Melba Toast Crackers...

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