I cannot deny it

it is there
I cannot deny it
but if I should try
I am
reminded by the stormy sea
it's angry waves reaching out to absorb me
It is there
I cannot deny it
but if I should try
I am
reminded by the blinding sun
it's scorching heat reaching down to absorb me
oh no
I cry
I am still a boy stomping in puddles
but is there
I cannot deny it
but if I should try
I am
reminded by the blowing wind
it's awesome power threatening to absorb me
oh no
I cry
I am still sixteen and on a date
but it is there
I cannot deny it
but if I should try
I am
reminded by the rain
it's silvery touch wanting to absord me
oh no
I cry
I am young and have a wife
but it is there
I cannot deny it
but if I try
I am
reminded by my aging body
it's aches and pains trying to absorb me
oh no
I cry
I am still needed by those that love me
but it is there
I cannot deny it
gs batty/march 2013

1 comment:

  1. I love your poetry, GS! This poem really spoke to me, because it is a place I now find myself too. I will be 60 next year. My mother did not live to see 70, nor did Papa Bear's. With each advancing year, and every additional physical limitation that they bring, I grow increasingly aware that I am on the far side of the journey and looking back... but I have so much more that I want to experience and do before I go!
