
  I pondered this prompt and something kept poking the back side of my mind. Tickets, tickets, tickets, what am I trying to remember? I drummed the desk with my fingers, chewed on a pencil and paced the floor. I really don't know why. I don't believe it was that important but when I can't remember something, it bugs me.

   Fortunately, I have a wife that doesn't forget anything but that can also be a problem. The little digs about memory can be exasperating but I bit the bullet or in this case, the pencil, and asked her what I was trying to remember about tickets.

   Naturally she had a list of 5or 6, from the theater tickets I forget to buy until they were sold out, or the Angels tickets I gave away last year or the speeding ticket I got last fall and finally the $200.00 I paid for a raffle ticket on the Super Bowl.

   "No, no, no, no," I said. "Why would I want to remember those tickets? I have been trying to forget those tickets. No, it's something else, some other kind of tickets."

   "You don't mean those old Disney tickets, do you? I might have thrown them out."

   I groaned something about them being worth a lot of money someday. She replied something about them not being worth anything if I didn't remember that I had them or where the were.

   I decided I didn't want to write about tickets anymore and that retreat was the better course to travel, so I tried to drop the subject. Naturally, anyone that is married or has ever been married knows the final outcome of that retreat.

   It's cooled down a little but I know that the next time the word "ticket" pops up, I will get a few "unnecessary" reminders.

   I have called all my children and all my grandchildren and ask them never to say the word "ticket" around us. I will also write and ask Meg never to use the word in another prompt.

written for Sunday Scribblings


  1. And such is married life when we have come to know each other so well that we remember each other's thoughts and often know what they are about to say. There are indeed those trigger words that are best left unspoken, it sounds like "tickets" is now on the list for you! This was a fun tale, it made me smile in commiseration!

    1. thanks Josie...apreiate the comment and If I can make someoine smile now and then, my day is a success.

  2. You think you had troubles! I am writing a period piece serial where tickets were not in use. Let's both write to Megg!

    1. that's what great about writing...we get to cheat a little now and then

  3. Ticket has it's problems that's for sure..a little ambivalent..passive could use it..or could be a good ride..or not..i think pencils and writing about tickets are much better ;)

    1. thanks jae...always appreciate it when you drop by..

  4. Ha - I tend to remember things too ! My husband would agree that can be good and bad!

    1. thanks robyn..your hiusband could have a beeer together and talk about the women...

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks..hope my comment on your blog arrived...I had a few problems...might have commented twice.

  6. Wonderfully humorous! I wish,now,that my response to the prompt could have been funny. I also assume that you and your wife don't really rub each other so wrong. Right?

    1. absolutely right...been married 35 years and I hti the jackport when I found her or she found me. But, she does have a great memory...mine...sometimes not so hot...also, if men and women weren't different...

  7. A good row just might put some spice into the relationship, if it involves making up, of course.

    1. Awe yes, the make up..we don't sell tickets for that one.
