
I wrote
and I felt
I felt courage
has always been there
is always there.
why didn’t I feel courage before?
why couldn’t I feel courage before?
courage has nudged me for decades
I was afraid to nudge courage back
courage would not go away
courage haunted me
I knew not what courage was
courage was in a place I cared not look
courage was in a place I dared not look
I never thought to look for courage
through my pen
through my grit
through my gut
I never dared to look for courage
through my pen,
through my grit
through my gut
Not until
I wrote and I wrote and I wrote
the things that are
the things that aren’t
the things that may
the things that might
courage was felt
courage spoke to me
words from a raining cloud.
courage spoke to me
words from sizzling lightning
burning across the sky
blazing a path
that I was afraid to walk.
my written words
dripping blood and ink
my mind,
my eyes,
my heart
my soul.
courage spoke to me
and now
I have
the strength
to walk the path
of sizzling lightning.
I am
not afraid
of falling any more.


  1. Beautiful! The repetition adds a lot to the piece. I like this a great deal.

  2. Old Grizz, this sounds like an autobiography and being that is a great inspiration for all would be writers.

  3. A great statement. Yes, it takes courage to begin this road.

  4. Ooh, there were so many good lines in here (and sentiments). I particularly liked 'I was afraid to nudge courage back'. Brilliant. If it is autobiographical as oldegg says I take courage that you did nudge back (and that we all can eventually) Jae

  5. Brenda - thank you..I steal the repetition form David Whyte.

    Oldegg & Jaerose - It is somewhat of an autobiography but what I really hoped to portray was that we all see more clearly when we write. Writing opens the eyes, ears and mind. Writing gives us the ability to see, the ability to hear, the ability to think and the courage to put our souls before the world. are more couragious tha most. I enjoy your blog.

  6. What a wonderful journey to finding courage that was already there. Bravo Grizz

  7. AnonymousMay 10, 2010

    Nicely said...
    I wrote and I wrote and I wrote
    And to write of things deep from ur soul sure needs courage.Isn't it?
    Loved it :)

  8. Tammy - thanks but I am not so sure it was there but I am exploring the issue. I plan to use it as the basis for my 30 day/30 pages of writing for weronika's blog ( drop in and take a look. I am calling it the Weronika challenge.

  9. song - thanks for reading wha I have to say. You and the otehers have made my day

  10. that is the right point...!

  11. Well done SG! Well Done! To the courageous in on my friend, press on.

  12. This is fabulous! You've captured the nitty gritty of how and why writing frees our spirit.
    Loved the whole poem, especially this part:
    "courage spoke to me
    words from sizzling lightning
    burning across the sky
    blazing a path
    that I was afraid to walk.
    my written words
    dripping blood and ink
    my mind,
    my eyes,
    my heart
    my soul."
