Lost in space

One thing that I am not afraid to admit is that I get thoroughly confused by the modern and continually updating world of the Internet and especially Google and Blogger.  They seem to be doing a "new and better" system every time I try to log on and naturally I get lost deeper and deeper in the depths of confusion.

The next thing I am not afraid to admit is that I get frustrated very quickly and put it off until the next day, next week, next moth or when I am actually calm enough to try it again.

I have tried several times to find myself in the annals of blogger and the computer kept telling  me than I am already logged in under another name.  So I have logged out and tried to log back in...nada...nothing...no dice...you don't have a blog...

Oh Yes I do...I have several of them..at one time I was blog crazy and going to light up the blog world with all of my natural wisdom...joke de jure.

Well today I finally figure out that I have trying to log in "Blogspot.com"...not blogger.com so...voila...Here I am again...

However, I am attempting the "NaNoWriMo" project which requires that I write approx. 1700 words a day.  For me to churn out 1700 word I need to devote 3-4 per day, so getting back to blogging and my Navajo Indian updating my be sparse.

The good news...I have finished to short stories...still trying to get them published...that would be nice...but just the fact that I started and finished two (count-em) two stories makes me feel somewhat like a writer.  Note that I did say somewhat....

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the frustrations with these digital activities -- Google and various blogs -- I'm having problems leaving comments on WordPress blogs and just decided to forget them.

    Glad to hear you've written some stories. Perhaps we'll get to read them once you publish.
