
Progress?  Are you kidding?  Two days into the new year and you ask me about Progress.  Where am I?  Friggin up to my ears in progress..that's where I am.
  • Began a new blog idea   stop in and check it out and tell me your thoughts.  You might want to join in...never know
  • Began interviewing the homeless for an article I am writing.  I plan to go out and beg for a few days just to get the feeling. (donating any money I get to a charity)  What do you think?  Do the homeless get rich begging for money on the corner?  I will post the first article Mon 1-03-11 (HOMELESS--HUNGRY--PLEASE HELP--GOD BLESS)  Do you give a dollar or two, or turn do you you head?  This project will be posted on my blog:
  • Volunteered to help deliver food and clothing to Indian tribes in the mountains of Arizona and Colorado.  Scheduled to leave Jan 13th.  (God willing and we can get there)  Right now they are up to their rear ends in snow and we can't get to them.  Hopefully roads will be open when we leave.  Plan to write about the experience and have some photos.  Ever heard of the "Forgotten People"...Neither did I...check this story out on my blog:  beginning in Feb.
  • For a preview of where I am heading, go to:
  • Progress?  two days? bet...I've made progress.
  • What about you?  Make part of your progress a pledge to open up your hearts and help someone in need.


  1. Yikes! I got tired just reading about all you've undertaken in the new year! But excited too... great ventures all, and it will be fun to hear how they work out. I especially like your final comment about pledging to help someone in need. I believe that life is all about helping each other along, and it just plain feels good too! Great post!!

  2. Phew OldGrizz - that seems a lot for January 2nd! I am rarely in a position to give money but I always try and look people in the eye and say good morning..I think if I was sat on the ground I'd want someone to acknowledge I was there - I will be interested to read your findings..Jae

  3. Wow! Your progress is helping so many others. Thank you for reminding us of the important things in life.

  4. Actually I don't give to panhandlers here since most of them are not poor. They are trust fund kids who don't want to work as they beg for money while using their blackberry to tether their laptop so they can check in on their latest investment.

    But I know there are people who are in need, so the donation goes to the people who can help them.

    Best of luck to you on the trip!

  5. lovely progress on your side,
    keep it up.

  6. When do you have time to write? A big thank you for all that work that you are doing.

  7. Wow, I'm impressed and I rejoice :-)

  8. You are neck deep in so many causes and that is what I would call rapid progress :) within the first two days in the New Year!!

    I admire you and I'm impressed!!

  9. It takes people like you to push progress into the right channel and carve out rivers! wow!

  10. Very much rapid progress involved, Grizz.. you seem to be drowning in progress :) Admirable!

    My Survival, for Sunday Scribblings - Progress

  11. THIS is the definition of progress. I love it. I've been reading people's posts and I'm loving what they have to say. It's not about innovation, as one writer put it. This is great and I can't wait to hear about what you will be doing!

    I posted a story/fable/propaganda for Sunday Scribblings, if you could stop by.

  12. Whoa - love your opening lines! What a start! I'm exhausted just reading you post - way to go!

  13. You are such a giving soul!

  14. Goodness Grizz, you are so much braver than me. I guess you are following your ideals instead of talking about them. More power to you. I know I found this post very late, sorry I haven't been reading you lately, but believe me mate, when I do,I am never sorry I did.

  15. I came a looking for you! Are you at a new location? Good for you for interviewing the homeless for your idea.
