half a book

I am half done with three books and one life time.  My goal is to get all the way done with my life time and as for the books...who knows.  It is really great to tell one and all that I am writing a book and when I say I am writing three books they are really impressed.  Now if I were to finish one or two or maybe all three books then I would have to see if anyone would publish them.

That is what creates my problem.  If they are finished and no one will publish them I would have to tell people that they are only half done because to tell the truth would make me look like a bad writer. (which I am)

Therefore my solution is to say my books are only half done but I am working on them.  I think that comes from my grandmother who used to say "half a book is better than none." (whatever that means)


  1. half done = a work in progress (but aren't we all!) love & peace, JP/deb

  2. That's as good a way to put it as any :-)

  3. I used to get stuck on the whole "what if I try to write a book and I'm no good then I won't have a dream" thing. I decided it was worth the risk to at least try and fail because, really, nothing ever truly fails and who cares what other people think? :)

  4. Good old granny! Maybe writing them is only half the job these days and selling them the other..maybe even a book is never truly finished. Thanks as ever for your visit..Jae

  5. I'm intrigued with this whole 'halfway' theme - it implies an either/or, a yes/no, thing. I'm not comfy with that. All very thought-provoking.

  6. i m like u when it comes to such situations :)

    yes i m trying to find a way to the end :D

    are we there yet?

  7. ah Grizz - finish and self publish. I'll buy :)

  8. Your half way is much braver than my non attempt Grizz. I didn't attempt this half way thingy, I reckon it would say too much about me. Hahaha.
    Awaiting next prompt :)
    Keep up your good work with the books and one day........

  9. This is my first and only confession, prompted by your blog: I am writing 2 books and 1 memoir. 'Enuff said.

  10. Ah, I relate oh so well. Persevere! Many of us enjoy your writing very much. I decided on the self publishing route over a year ago. Now, my writing efforts need to catch up to the point to where the writing is finished. Since I allow myself to succumb to when the muse strikes amidst painting as my career, I have no time constraints. It's that my writing reveals a vulnerable side of me. I still marvel that anyone is even interested in reading my blog! (Several months ago I took down vast amounts of anecdotes from my blog, thinking I'd organize them further for themes.)Keep persevering (all of us)!
